Take this brief

10 question assessment

to see how you stack up

1. Do you have an employee handbook?

(3) Yes, it's a 100 page masterpiece

(2) We have something written on a napkin somewhere

(1) Handbook? You mean our employees need rules?

2. How do you handle I-9 forms?

(3) Completed, filed, and securely stored as per regulations

(2) They're somewhere...I think

(1) What is an I-9?

3. How do you manage payroll?

(3) We use a modern HRIS system with direct deposit

(2) Our payroll system is called 'Patty', she writes the checks

(1) Wait, I have to pay them too?

4. Do you have job descriptions for all positions?

(3) Yes, detailed ones that are up-to-date

(2) We have something that looks like a job description

(1) Job description? Everyone just kind of figures it out

5. How are employee performance reviews conducted?

(3) Regulary, with structed feedback sessions

(2) Occasionally, when we remember

(1) Performance reviews? Is that a new type of meeting?

6. Do you offer employee benefits?

(3) Comprehensive benefits including health, dental, and retirement plans

(2) We give out mugs and t-shirts and bonuses every once in a while

(1) Benefits? We give people jobs...isn't that enough?

7. How do you handle employee issues or disputes?

(3) We have a formal grievance procedure

(2) We have a "talk it out" meeting

(1) Disputes? We just fight it out

8. Do you conduct regular training sessions for employees?

(3) Yes, we have a structured training program

(2) Training? We had a workshop once...maybe twice

(1) Our training is called "learn as you go"

9. How do you stay compliant with labor laws?

(3) We have a dedicated team/person ensuring compliance

(2) We Google things when there's an issue

(3) Labor laws? Are those still a thing?

10. Do you have a strategy for employee retention?

(3) Yes, we actively work on employee engagement and satisfaction

(2) We throw the occasional pizza party

(1) Retention strategy? If they stay, they stay

Let's see your results!